How Do I Add Alt-Text to Images?

What is Alt-Text?

Alt-text (alternative text) is text that is included in an image tag in HTML code to describe the image. It is used to provide a description of the image for people using a screen reader – so your content is as accessible as.

How do I add Alt-Text to my images?


Create your post in the Post Editor, and click on the Alt-Text icon found in the top-left corner of the image.


A pop-up will appear asking you to “Customize” the post for each profile. 

This is mandatory as Alt-Text is not currently supported by all social profiles.


Click on the Alt-Text icon of your image (top-left corner) to add the Alt-Text (max 400 characters).

Once done, click on “Save”. The same Alt-Text will be added across all your selected profiles.

How do I edit or delete my Alt-Text?

To edit your Alt-Text, all you have to do is click the Alt-Text icon in the top-left corner of your image. (from where you added the Alt-Text initially). You can now edit or delete the text, then click “Save”. 

The same Alt-Text will be changed across all your profiles and all variations of the same image.

What social media platforms support Alt-Text?

Alt-text still has some limitations in terms of what platforms support them at the moment. 

In the table below, you will be able to find a detailed breakdown of this.

Social Profile Image (PNG or JPG) GIF Video (MP4 or MOV) Max. Characters
Facebook Personal Profile No No No N/A
Facebook Page Yes No No 400
Instagram Personal Profile No No No N/A
Instagram Creator Profile No No No N/A
Instagram Business Profile No No No N/A
Twitter Profile Yes No No 400
LinkedIn Personal Profile Yes No No 400
LinkedIn Company Page Yes No No 400
Pinterest Profile Yes No No 400
Google My Business Location No No No N/A
TikTok Profile No No No N/A
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