Workspaces: Users and Roles in a Workspace

Workspaces and Users available on the Pro plan

When you're on a Pro plan or have purchased a Users add-on, you can invite multiple users.

Here are a few ideas on what kind of users you can invite:

  • Team members
  • Clients
  • Personal assistants

When inviting Users to your Workspace, you'll have to assign different Roles too. 

Below, you'll find a list of Roles that you can assign and what these roles imply for each user:

Permissions for each User

Permissions Owner Manager Publisher Contributor
Manage account ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️
Publish and edit (posts & schedule) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✖️
Create (but not approve) content ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
View posts and analytics ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Create and manage Engage streams ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️
Delete Workspace ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️


  • The Owner's primary default role is Manager, with full access and control of the account.
  • The Owner is the only one who can create or delete workspaces in your account.


  • Manage account—add, edit or remove other users, except for the Owner. 
  • Configure (but not create) Workspaces.
  • Add/ remove social profiles.
  • Create and approve content.
  • Publish/ edit posts or schedule.
  • View analytics.


  • Create and approve content.
  • Publish/ edit posts or schedule.
  • View analytics.


  • Create, but not approve content.
  • View analytics.
Platform Owner Additional Users
Pro 1 2
Pro 50 1 4
Pro 100 1 4
Pro 150 1 4

Still not sure if you can create multiple Workspaces and invite Users with your current plan? Check out this article.

How can I invite users to my Workspace?


From SocialBee's Dashboard go to your Settings (top right corner of your screen)


Click on Workspace Users to view, edit, and add users to your Workspace.


Click the “ Add new user” button to add a user on a Free Collaborator License.

To invite someone, add their email and assign them a role in the pop-up that will appear. 

The person you're inviting will get an email like the one below, and they will be able to create a new account (or use an existing one) to join your Workspace. 

Once they sign up, they will have access to the Workspace you invited them to with the permissions you chose: Manager, Publisher or Contributor. 

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