How Do I Migrate My Social Profiles Between Workspaces?

To have more than one Workspace, you need be one of our Pro plans or purchase a Workspace add-on.

Here's how to migrate your social media profiles (with content) between Workspaces:


Go to SocialBee and separate the posts (assigned to the profiles you want to migrate) in a Content Category. 


Create a new Workspace (if needed) where you'll move the social media profiles and content. 


Start the migration.

1. Separate your content

When you migrate the social media accounts + content from one Workspace to another, it's best you move all the content in one Content Category – since the entire Category will be moved in the migration. 

This will not be possible if the posts are assigned to profiles you aren't moving. Here's what you can do:

  • Move your posts, one by one, to a new Content Category.
  • Remove assigned profiles from posts using our Bulk Editing tool.

Once that's done, you can move onto the next steps and start the migration process.

2. Create the new Workspace

Here's an in-depth article on how to create a Workspace

If you already have the Workspace where you're planning to move the content, skip this step.

3. Start the migration


Go to the Workspace where you want to migrate the content and skip its Onboarding.


If you don't have any social accounts connected in your new Workspace: enter Workspace Settings, go to Social Accounts, and click on the button that allows you to migrate your profiles from your original Workspace → to the new one.


Select the Workspace you want to migrate your content from and the profiles you want to migrate.


Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and click on the “Migrate Now” button. According to the number of posts, RSS Feeds, Pocket setups, this might take a while.

🟥 If a Content Category you selected has a red background 🟥

  • You may have content assigned to profiles that you don't want to migrate.
  • You may have RSS Feeds or Pocket configurations for importing content in those Categories, or the Categories are also scheduled for the profiles you're trying to migrate. 

This will stop your migration. In order to make your migration work:

  • Go a step back and select the rest of the profiles that have that content assigned → and migrate those as well.
  • Revert to step #1 and separate the content you wish to migrate from the posts that stay.

🟩 If a Content Category you selected has a green background 🟩, this means that the category will be moved to your new Workspace along with your selected profiles. 

Once the migration is complete, you'll see your profiles, Content Categories, and schedules in the new Workspace. 

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