How Do I Add a First Comment to a Post?

You can enhance your scheduled posts by including a first comment with hashtags, additional information, and extra details that may not fit in your post's caption.

⚠️ This feature will show up in the Post Editor after you click on "Customize for each profile," even if you only have 1 profile selected.

Add a First Comment to a Post


Begin by entering your SocialBee Post Editor and creating a post as you normally would.


Ensure that you've selected all the profiles you want to schedule the post for.


Click on "Customize post for each profile". Note: When selecting a YouTube, Pinterest, or TikTok profile will automatically require you to customize for each profile.


Find the "Add first comment to this post" toggle located below your text editor.


Activate the toggle by switching it to the right (turning it green).


Write or insert your desired comment.


Save the post, and you're all set!

Supported Social Media Platforms

Scheduling a First Comment is only supported by a few platforms. This feature is available for:

  • YouTube Channels
  • Instagram Business and Creator Profiles
  • Facebook Pages
  • LinkedIn Personal Profiles and Company Pages

Add Hashtags to Your First Comment

For each of the profiles listed above, you can add hashtags to your first comment by:

  1. Generating hashtags from your post;
  2. Add hashtags from your Hashtag Collection.
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