Posting to Threads

Connect your Threads profile to SocialBee

Click on the interactive screen below to see the steps, or scroll down to the written instructions. 

Before connecting your account in SocialBee, make sure you're logged into your Threads account.


Go to the SocialBee dashboard here, and scroll to the "Connect a new account" section to connect your Threads profile.


You will be prompted to authorize SocialBee the needed permissions. To do that, click on "Continue" and wait to be redirected back to our platform.


Once you've connected your account, you'll be able to see it in the SocialBee dashboard.

Create a post for your Threads profile

Click on the interactive screen below to see the steps, or scroll down to the written instructions. 


Add a post in SocialBee using the Post Editor.


Select your Threads profile and add your content. Here you can learn more about media files limitations📝.


Save your post.

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